Saturday, October 3, 2009

The Qualities of a Good Teacher

Abhinav Sawhney

So what makes a good teacher? This is a question that everyone should ask them self. Each person will have a slightly different opinion but they will be lots of similarities in the descriptions of a good teacher. The stereotypical view to this is that an individual that has a PhD in a subject is best equipped to teach that subject. However this is not the case.

Having a PhD does not certify anyone to be a good teacher, and on the other hand it also does not make anyone a bad one. There are certain characteristics that all teachers must have in order to be effective at their craft. The most important of these is the urge and desire to teach. It is not possible to perform at your best in any job unless you really want to do it. So to begin with a good teacher should really want to teach. If they are teaching only for the sake of it or to make some money, then this will definitely reflect on the class' performance.

A teacher must also have thorough knowledge on the subject matter to be taught. Not to contradict my earlier statement, this does not mean they need to have a really 'big' degree but they should know the subject well enough to teach it and clarify any queries that the students may have.

A lot of students will agree with me when I say that there are times when a lesson can get extremely boring! During such phases it is very easy for one's attention to drift away from class. Managing to keep a class' attention for an entire lecture is one of the signs of being highly effective. To be a good teacher it is very important to communicate well with your students. Communication must not be one sided. A teacher should encourage students to ask questions and should be willing to hear their opinion. A teacher must always try to create such an atmosphere in the classroom where students feel no hesitation in clarifying a doubt or challenging something that has been taught. This two-way communication is critical for a successful learning.
Making a class enjoyable is also of extreme importance. If students want to attend a certain class, or look forward to a certain class they're bound to perform better at it because of their enthusiastic approach. On the other hand if a class is really boring then it's extremely tough for students to contribute and pay attention. So a teacher must consider all these things if he/she wants to be as effective as possible.

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