Friday, October 23, 2009

Clubs: An Enhancement to Social Life

By: Alexander Merriweather

A problem with moving from high school tosollege is making new friends. Clubs and organizations can become an enhancing part of a student's social life. they can provide the student with an opportunity to increase their interest in one thing or try out some new things. They also provide them with a chance to communicate with other students. College contains many clubs that contain many different things, including things that people barely heard of. My involvement in clubs and organization improved my social life in my 3 months of school so far.
There are many types of clubs and organizations. They can range from intramural sports, campus ministries, student organizations, and student-led clubs. Intramural sports are played by making a team made by students. They are played for fun, but usually there is a prize for first place. Campus ministries are there because student often lose their faith when they enter college. student organzations plan event for the students on campus to make sure they have fun. Student-led clubs are made to fit students that have the same interest with the club.
Many students become friends through class or a club. The reason clubs and organizations become a good source for friends is because they are most likely to share a common interest with each other. They can be made throughout competitions, intramurals, or campus ministries. These sources can improve your social life and make your academic life easier because those people can also be good in a subject someone else is struggling in. In the end, students enjoy their lives being in clubs.

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