Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Classroom Etiquette in College!

By: Jasmine Blain

People think that when you get to college you can act any kind of way in the classroom. Well they are going to be shocked when they get to that point in their life. College is very much like high school when it comes down to classroom etiquette. There are many different ways college student should act in class like: being on time, following the dress code, and lastly respecting the professor.

First,being on time is a choice in college and can determine a lot of things. If you are early to a class everyday, you will get a lot of positive reactions to that choice. For example, you will make yourself look good and set a good impression to the professor. Being on time is also important because it avoids people distracting the class when they are late. It also lets the professor know that you actually interested in your school work and that you aren't here just because you have to. So remember being like 10 or even 5 minutes early will have a lot of pros rather to cons.

Second is following the dress code. Now this is very different to high school because in high school principals and teachers are a lot more strict about dress code. In college they could care less but they just want to make sure you aren't distracting classes. Once you cross that line where you are distracting your peers in class, then they will enforce the dress code but other than that then their really isn't a dress code. Students should go to class comfortable, not meaning the boys should have their clothes hanging off their butt or their clothes way too big, or the females have on very very tight clothes. Like i said before, as long as you are not distracting the class by the clothes you wear, the everything should be fine.

Lastly is RESPECTING the professor at all times. Respect can take you far in life as long as you don't abuse it. Now respecting your professor just doesn't mean call them Mr. or Mrs. Respect means no CELL PHONES OUT!!, raising your hand when you want to talk, looking at the professor when they are talking, not talking to your neighbor, doing the work that is assigned and especially no SLEEPING! By doing all of these task the professor will look at you in a different and good way. They will know that you are interested in the subject and that you are there to learn, not just because you have to be there.

In college some students may forget how to act when they are in class, because they feel independent and feel like they don't have to follow the rules because they are grown and on their own. Well this is all wrong, no matter where you go and how old you are, you should always have classroom etiquette when you are in that type on environment.

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