Saturday, October 17, 2009

Problems with Hazing

Matt Martz

Hazing has always been a topic many colleges hate to talk about. Controversy over innocent college students who have no idea what they are getting into with fraternities and other clubs. Colleges all like to say their schools are completely haze free, but the sad truth is, it’s more likely they are not. Of course, hazing is not only in college, sometimes the workspace or even high school students can experience the harms of hazing. Hazing can never be completely stopped, but colleges can do a much better job to stopping it.

Most of the public thinks hazing hardly exists, and when it does it’s only in the crazy fraternities. Movies like Old School portray partying and hazing for the freshman class of the fraternity. However, studies show that hazing reaches into many different social groups. Apparently some performing arts clubs and even academic clubs experience hazing of some sort. Even with all the possible hazing opportunities, most of the time it is never reported to the colleges or administrators. If college students felt like consequences weren’t so bad for turning their organizations in, more cases of hazing would be known. Typically, students would rather be in the clubs even if they have to deal with hazing for a semester or two.

Hazing involves more than just paddling and group humiliation. Many times hazing turns into demeaning and intimidating actions, whether it be threats or true. Even acts such as hair cutting or forced drinking involve hazing. Most college kids think it’s all just part of the fraternity life but really it’s only hazing. College students need to know what they are getting into with hazing before it is too late. Hazing can cause injury or even death.

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