Saturday, September 12, 2009

Time Management between School and Sports!

Jasmine Blain

As we all know,college is extremely different from high school. Being a student athlete at Georgia Tech is very difficult with managing school, sports, and your social life. For many athletes; making class on time, meaning 15 minutes early, going to practice, and making sure their social life is okay is challenging because there is so little time in a day to do so many events. I would know everything about this because i am a student athlete myself. this is my first year here at Georgia Tech and it is very stress full most times.

My schedule is no where near similar to just an average student here. For example on Mondays at 7:00 to 8:00 i have workouts, then from 9:05 to 12:55 i have three classes. After that, around 2:00 i have another set of workouts and weights at 3:30. Then from 7:00 to 8:00pm i have tutoring. After all of this my day is still not complete. i have to go to my dorm to take a shower, get ready for school and weights for the next morning, study some more and do any unfinished homework. By time all of the tasks are finished it is around 11:30 at night. Now let me remind you this, all the classes and workouts are everyday out of the week. There are no breaks! plus we have to get in 6 hours of study hall a week.

Surprisingly, some students still are confused about managing their time. which can cause many problems for example; students would be later to their class which can cause them to get in trouble with their coach, and after getting in trouble with the coach, you might not be able to play a couple of games or have extra workouts which is never fun! All of this confusion may cause a lot of stress upon the athlete. So basically to stay away from all this and to make sure you are a very well time managed student athlete. All you have to do is talk to the right person which would most likely be your coach or one of the assistant coaches. they are always ready to help you at any time.

The coaches would give you a chart of all your classes and workouts for the week and it includes the time. this helps a lot because it eliminates athletes from giving excuses like "they didn't know what time was this event". it also helps a lot because if you keep being time managed and very well organized,then soon or later it will become second nature to you. That helps you out in the long run because you will most likely never be late to your future job or anything you do in life.

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