Friday, September 11, 2009

Stay away from the caffeine!

Seth Reeves

Many college students would probably agree that if it wasn't for caffeine, they would not have graduated. Especially at a school like Georgia Tech, all-nighters are very common, and students need some way to keep them awake in order to study for a test, finish a project, or write a paper. Mostly everyone knows that caffeine will keep you awake and alert, but most don't know the harmful things it can do to your body, and how it can affect your college academic career in the long run.

Although caffeine may allow students to pull out an all-nighter and make a good grade on a test, it can be very harmful to their body and will eventually hurt their grades. One of the big things that caffeine will do to a college student's body is cause sleep disruption. Everyone knows how important sleep is in college, so not being able to get the most out of one's sleep can really cause a decline in their grades. Also, caffeine causes an increased heart rate and blood pressure which can result in dizziness, irritability, and restlessness. So even though someone might use drinks with caffeine to make it through an all-nighter, they are sacrificing their energy over the next several days which can also cause for grades to fall. Lastly, caffeine is ADDICTIVE! Once a student uses it for a few all-nighters, sooner or later, they will find themselves drinking more and more drinks with caffeine, which can only cause the symptoms of caffeine to become more severe. Caffeine could even affect your health problems in the future! Click here for more information.

Believe it or not there are other ways to get that extra energy boost when needed without gulping down an energy drink loaded with caffeine. Here are some tips. Find the ones that work best for you. But most importantly, STAY AWAY FROM CAFFEINE! Your grades and maybe even your life depend on it.

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