Saturday, September 19, 2009

Social Networks in College

Matt Martz

Social networks play a big role in college students’ lives. Facebook, Twitter, and Myspace have only been around for about a decade but almost every student has one of the 3 and likely uses it daily. Although many critics feel that the networks are all just huge wastes of time, I feel that they actually provide many more pros for students than cons.

The main argument against social networks is that they waste valuable time to students which could be spent doing homework or studying. Sometimes people even spend so much time online they forget to go to class or just don’t get enough sleep. Some critics even say that students are too immature to start using social networks before and even during college. The internet is a dangerous place for students who don’t know what they are dealing with. Some students even try cheating using internet chats and other ways to communicate during tests. Although these problems seem fairly serious, many of them are overestimated.

Even with all the negatives of social networks, there are plenty of bonuses to connecting to them. Connecting to the networks allows you to find friends and classmates and not lose touch when you move or go home for a weekend. Classmates can plan study times and find people to get help from at almost any time during the day. When students don’t make use of this help, they have a major disadvantage when studying for subjects. Typically, students don’t use Facebook or Twitter to cheat ever since having computers out is not allowed for most tests. However, some people really are addicted to social networks and when being online for more than 3 hours a day is typical for students, it becomes a problem. Besides the social network addicts, the networks provide many great things for students that should be taken advantage of by college students.

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