Monday, September 14, 2009

Language Barrier in Higher Education

Jorge Castillo

College is hard in your own country, but even worse when studying in foreign countries. In most cases, this means having to learn a new language, or even if one knows it, one just might not know the language as well as the locals. What many people haven't considered is that aside from the language barrier international students face in college, we also have to deal with being away from home, facing a new social environment, and adjusting to a whole new place with unique customs different from what one is used to.

Studying is stressful in many occasions, but even worse doing so in a foreign language. Many times it is hard to understand the professors because they talk too fast or in a manner too complex for your foreign language capacity! The concept of studying creates two problems: first, comprehending the language itself, and then understand the material you're studying.

In many occasions, something as simple as making conversation becomes difficult because one may feel insecure about the use of the language. Also, one's native accent may end a conversation because people don't understand each other. Even in the classroom, when you have a question, you might not raise your hand just because you are afraid people won't understand you or make fun of your accent.

Adjusting to a new culture is also a difficulty many international students face. When they go to college to another country, they are bombarded with customs they've never seen before. This new culture may intrigue, animate, amuse, or even confuse international students and give them a hard time adapting, not just to college life but also to a new country.

So the barrier international students face when going to college is more than just language, it's also adapting to a new lifestyle. A different language just makes it much more difficult for the adaptation process. Encouraging international students to keep working hard and helping them in any issues they might be having related to language is an aid we (international students) all need.

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