Thursday, September 24, 2009

Is Having Laptops in Class Beneficial?

Jasmine Blain Laptops were given to college students to use in class to help them take notes faster, look up power points, access certain task a lot easier, and just basically be able to do more in class instead of waiting to go to the library to do it. But do they really benefit us or are they becoming a distraction?

Some say that laptops do benefit us in various ways. They help people out who don't have very neat handwriting, and who can type fast to take notes during class. People also say that its better for them to turn in a paper or assignment on the computer instead of physically doing it. They say this helps them because it is a higher chance of people losing their paper if they have to physically turn them in, and it helps the teacher be a lot more organized. Others say it very beneficial because is eliminates the use of books, and most college students have a lot of books, which is never good to carry a lot of weight on your back. Personally I think that laptops benefit us a lot because they take away the carrying of the books, they make us a lot more organized by not having so much papers everywhere, and lastly they help us keep track of certain things.

Now, on the other hand, students and professors are saying that laptops in class are becoming a huge distraction. I am in college now, and it isn't unusual to see people with laptops in class. Actually it isn't unusual to see student on my space, face book, playing games, shopping, and doing other things. It is really a distraction to other students who are really trying to learn when they have their peers surfing the web. It really isn't fair to the student that are trying to learn, because they see other students looking at you tube videos and never get in trouble for doing it. Students will always take advantage of what they have. This will never stop unless laptops are banned from class, which i also believe will never happen. I say this because they tried so hard to get them in the class so they wouldn't just take them out now.

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