Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Student Skipping Class!!

By: Jasmine Blain

In college you get the choice to either go to class or stay in your dorm and stay asleep. Many students on campus choose not to go to class because they are sleepy from the night before, they didnt get to finish their work for that class, or they simply just dont want to attend the class. Should these students be punished? Many students skip class becuase they know they will not get punished for it, well maybe if they enforce this rule more often, then student will actually go to class and be there on time.

Now according to http://www.enmuthechase.com/.../Students.Explain.Why.They.Skip.Classes students have explained that they are skipping class because they believe "Sometimes students learn better alone with a book in front of them instead of an instructor," commented Booker. I personally dont agree with this opinion because if that was the case then their wouldnt be a reason to have shool at all if people could really understand and engage in what they were learning by just reading the book. Others say "Teachers often make the classroom an uncomfortable environment," said Yazzie. "If more teachers made their coursework more exciting fewer students would skip their classes," Erika added. I some what agree with erika, but then again i dont. I do becuase i would know from experience that it is difficult to learn in a classroom that is boring and uncomfortable. I dont agree with the statement becuase if your main focus is to into class and learn then you shouldnt worry about what the classroom looks like. You should really and truly be able to ignore those distractions.

There is about 3 reasons why students should go to class. One; becuase many professors have attendence policy. According to http://www.nextstepmagazine.com/ "each professor handles attendance differently. One professor might call everyone’s name in the beginning of class; another might say flat out they don’t take attendance. The stricter the attendance policy, the more likely it is that you’ll lose points for not showing up. And even if a professor has a more laid-back policy, she’ll still notice when students aren’t there." Second is because you are wasting you or your parents money. "Every time you skip a class, you waste hundreds of dollars. For example; It’s just like paying for a meal you don’t eat or for a movie you never see. College is expensive enough; don’t waste your money or your education." Last is because it take too much time to catch up. "If you skip, you have to find someone who’s willing to share their notes, then try to teach yourself. You’ll likely spend more time trying to catch up than if you just went to class in the first place. And if an assignment was given the day you were out, you’ll have less time to work on it." After all of these reason you can eaisly avoid all of this confusion by just going and being on time to class. Trust me it isnt that hard!!

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