Saturday, November 7, 2009

Drinking in College

Matt Martz

College has always represented a time for discovering yourself and having the best times of your life. However, often partying and drinking become the center of college life instead of getting an education. College kids are at a very influential point in their lives and they need to be led in the right direction. There need to be stricter guidelines towards drinking in college for students. Currently, college is just an unsafe place for students to drink and party.

I’m not saying that drinking should be banned at colleges I just feel better guidelines could be set forward for college kids to help keep them safe and happy. According to studies, 1700 college students die each year due to alcohol related injuries. That number seems way too high to be something colleges ignore. Cutting down on unofficial parties and helping students with transportation would save multiple lives every year. Also, providing support and valuable information about drinking and how much it takes to become unsafe would be helpful to students. Many college students come to college without knowing their limits and often exceed them multiple times while they are here.

Here at Georgia Tech, there is actually a pretty good system as far as parties go. Many parties have police outside and are often monitored to make sure nothing goes too far. The Stingerette and the police both look out for college students and make even downtown Atlanta a fairly safe place. Keeping college kids is the highest priority when it comes to drinking, and having a safe school means less deaths and injuries due to alcohol.

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