Friday, November 13, 2009

Finals: How to Cope with Them

By: Alexander Merriweather

A major part of a college student's stress is grades. A more major part of that are midterms. What's more major than midterms are finals. Finals are major tests held at the end of the semester. They usually count the largest towards the final grade than all of the other sections. This means that doing great will cause the most significant increase in the grade. Doing worse will mean exactly the opposite.
What comes with finals is a huge amount of stress. This is because that they cost the most. Students that come into finals with a good grade become stress because they have a make a decent grade so they keep that grade. Students that come into finals with a bad grade need to do excellent to improve their grade to the next letter grade so they can get a higher GPA. Using my Calc 1 class as an example, a third of my grade is my final and the other two-third is homework and quizzes. I have a 97.875 quiz/homework average. Two-third of that is 64.5975. In order to get a nintey in the class, I need 26.125 point in the finals section. This means that I have to make a seventy-seven on the final to pass the class with an A.
There are ways to lower the stress. Study every day so that you will feel more confident in yourself instead of studying right before it. Studying right before the test will make the student nervous because they are cramming a vast amount of information they barely know into their head. Another way is to have fun once in a while. Having fun can take stress off your head so you wouldn't feel nervous when taking the test. These two pieces of advice can make the final more comfortable and result in a higher grade.

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